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Does coffee cause kidney stones? - Caffeine consumption and kidney disease risk


Coffee is considered to be the fuel to kickstart the day. Are you also a coffee lover? And some misinformation makes you believe that coffee is bad for your health? People often believe that it causes acidity and dehydration in the body. Some individuals also think that coffee can cause kidney stones. 

In this blog, let’s explore whether coffee causes kidney stones or not along with the science behind it. 

Does coffee cause kidney stone disease?

There is no straightforward answer to this question. Opposite to what people assume or think, some studies and research depict that coffee may lower the risk of developing kidney stone disease because of its diuretic properties.

Does coffee and caffeine consumption prevent kidney stones?

Many individuals consider drinking coffee consumed caffeine may cause dehydration in the body which may increase the amount calcium kidney stone risk chances reduced risk of developing kidney stones. However, different studies and research show that drinking coffee may prevent kidney stone risk.

According to a recent study, the relationship between caffeine intake and the risk of kidney stones showed unexpected results. Coffee intake demonstrated a negative relation with increased risk of kidney stones.

Another study published by the National Kidney Foundation in the year 2021, showcased that different caffeinated products like tea, and caffeinated beverages, coffee,, soda, and alcohol decrease the chances of kidney stone formation by 40%.

One more study published in 2021, demonstrated that people whose caffeine intake in the form of tea or coffee were less likely to develop kidney stones compared to people who didn’t consume caffeine. 

Understanding the science behind coffee and caffeine consumption:

How does coffee contribute to prevent kidney stone disease and health? With coffee's diuretic properties, it promotes urine flow, and with an increased urine volume, kidney stones are more likely to be flushed out of the body. It will automatically reduce the chances of developing kidney stones.

Tips for coffee and caffeine consumption

You can follow a few tips if you enjoy drinking coffee to reap the maximum kidney health benefits. These tips include -

  • Drink plenty of water, it helps to flush off toxins from the body, which can eventually help prevent chronic kidney disease.
  • Consume a healthy diet with low sugar and salt content.
  • Keep your body moving, it helps to keep your kidneys functioning properly.
  • Limit intake of spinach and almonds as these foods are rich in oxalate.

Foods that may increase the risk of chronic kidney disease

Certain food items are more likely to cause kidney stones. Limit the intake of these food items and prevent the chances of developing kidney stones. Here, is a list of foods that can cause kidney stones -

1. Salt

It is essential for the body, but if consumed in excess amounts it can increase the water retention in the body. Salt is not easily flushed and gets stored in the body. This results in increased blood pressure and sodium particles build up and form kidney stones. Make a habit of consuming less salt in your diet. 

A list of food items that contain high amounts of salt are -

  • Ready-to-eat or packaged food.
  • Pizza, potato chips, cheese and pasta.
  • Food prepared at the restaurant.

2. Drinks full of sugar

Consumption of drinks with loaded sugar should be avoided. Sweetened carbonated drinks flush off uric acid from the body through urine, which increases the chances of developing kidney stones. Sugar is a risky element for kidney health. Packed sugary drinks should be replaced with fresh homemade juices or lemonade.

3. Food with an excess of vitamin C

There is no doubt that vitamin C holds multiple benefits and is very good for our bodies. However, a high level of vitamin C tends to make calcium stone formers and a high amount of oxalate in the body. It increases the chance of kidney stone formation. Always eat a balanced amount of vitamin C.

4. Animal protein food

Protein is essential for the body to keep working. However, it is important to note that it should be consumed as per the body weight of the individual. Protein raises uric acid in the body which eventually increases the chances of kidney stone formation. 

A list of food items that contain animal protein are -

  • Beef
  • Eggs
  • Pork
  • Seafood
  • Fish

5. Dairy products

Dairy foods are considered to be good for bones and are rich in calcium. You should consider eating calcium in the right amount, too little or too much will increase the chances of developing calcium and kidney diseases and stone risk. Try to include 1000 mg of calcium each day.


1. Can I completely eliminate kidney stones through diet?

While diet plays a significant role, it's essential to consider other factors. Consulting with a healthcare professional is crucial for personalized guidance on dietary factors.

2. Are all high-oxalate foods harmful to the kidneys?

Not necessarily. Moderation is key. Balancing your diet and staying hydrated can help mitigate the impact of high-oxalate foods.

3. How much water should I drink to prevent kidney stones?

Adequate fluid intake varies, but a general guideline is to aim for at least 8 glasses (64 ounces) of water per day.

4. Can I still enjoy my favorite foods if I've had kidney stones before?

With moderation and consideration of your specific kidney stone type, you can still enjoy a variety of foods. Professional guidance is recommended.

5. Is genetic predisposition a significant factor in kidney stone formation?

Family history can contribute to the risk, but lifestyle and dietary choices play a crucial role. Understanding both factors is key to prevention.


The connection between coffee and kidney stones is complex and is not fully understood. Some studies depict that coffee reduces the risk of kidney stone formation but there is no evidence of it. In general, drinking coffee is safe and one should consume it within limits. 

It is crucial to talk to your doctor about the quantity of coffee that should be consumed. Moreover, follow a healthy lifestyle with clean eating to keep your kidneys healthy and functioning.

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