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Can kidney stones cause Gastrointestinal Problems? - Causes and Prevention


A kidney stone is made up of a solid mass or crystal and the stones can vary in size from stones as small as a grain to as big as a golf ball depending on the size of the kidneys. Even a small kidney stone can cause extreme pain especially when it is trying to exit the urinary system of the body through the urinary tract.

Now the question arises can kidney stones cause severe gastrointestinal problems? Well, the answer is yes! In this blog, we have underlined different gastrointestinal symptoms along with the increased risk of complications caused by kidney stones.

Can kidney stones cause GI tract problems?

In some cases, an individual may experience severe gastrointestinal side symptoms after invasive treatment of kidney stones like nausea, vomiting, and pain and these can be caused by kidney stones. Therefore, it is quite obvious that kidney stones can cause sudden pain and severe gastrointestinal problems. But with correct treatment and medicine, it can be resolved.

Potential gastrointestinal symptoms caused by kidney stones

When an individual suffers from a kidney stone, he/she may experience initial symptoms related to other gastrointestinal system problems. Different indications are associated with kidney stones and the symptoms of kidney stones and the symptoms of kidney stones are-

  • Pain - The most common sign of kidney stone is gastrointestinal pain. It is also known as renal colic. The pain is excruciating and sharp and often comes and goes in waves. An individual may feel the pain in lower back, abdomen, sides, and groin.
  • Nausea- Another symptom of kidney stone could be nausea and it can cause extreme pain. This symptom is not common, and if an individual experiences it then he/she may require urgent medical treatment.
  • Vomiting - It is one of the less common symptoms among patients. If an individual experiences it then seeking medical help should be the priority.

Potential gastrointestinal complications caused by kidney stones

An individual without kidneys may experience some gastrointestinal problems due to the formation of kidney stones. Some of other symptoms of the potential gastrointestinal complications caused by kidney stones are -

  • Irritable bowel syndrome - A Taiwanese study states that adults are more prone to experience irritable bowel syndrome after having kidney stone issues. It is a condition of the intestine that causes pain, constipation, and diarrhea. Additionally, more than 30% of patients experience this condition within six months of being diagnosed with kidney stones.
  • Bowel obstruction - This refers to a condition when a partial or complete blockage in the small or large intestine can be seen. This blocks the intestinal passageway to pass the solid waste. Although this condition is very rare, still some patients experience it.

Can gastrointestinal problems cause kidney stones as well?

From the above discussion, it is evident that kidney stones can cause gastrointestinal symptoms and complications. But what about the reverse situation? Can gastrointestinal problems can also cause kidney stones? 

The answer is yes, here are some symptoms of some gastrointestinal issues that can lead to kidney stones-

  • Diarrhea - This refers to passing watery stools frequently. A recent or short bout of diarrhea is unlikely to cause kidney stones. However, chronic diarrhea can cause dehydration and it is one of the major reasons for kidney stones development. If an individual experiences diarrhea for a long time then it is better to consult a doctor for a better treatment plan.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease - It is a condition that refers to a group of disorders affecting the intestine and digestive tract, including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Inflammatory bowel disease can cause inconvenience along with dehydration, which can increase the chances of kidney stone development. Moreover, this condition makes it hard for the body to absorb certain compounds resulting in kidney stone formation.
  • High-protein intake - If an individual intakes a high-protein diet like paleo or keto diet then there are high risk of developing kidney stones. Increased animal protein in the body causes uric acid.
  • Bariatric surgery - In some patients, undergoing bariatric surgery can hamper gastrointestinal tract functions and can cause complications like diarrhea or malabsorption. It is always advised to drink plenty of water, take less sodium, and limit the intake of spinach, chocolate, almonds, and tea. By following these precautions one can reduce the risk of developing kidney stones after bariatric surgery.

When to visit a doctor?

In some cases, kidney stones can pass naturally through blood and concentrated urine. However, in some cases the size of kidney stones is big and it cannot pass through urine or naturally concentrated blood and urine. In this case, consulting an experienced doctor is advisable. The doctor will examine the body to recommend the best treatment plan to prevent stones.

Moreover, if the patient experiences gastrointestinal problems like vomiting, nausea, and pain with the other kidney stones symptoms then it is extremely important to seek medical help before the situation becomes worse.

Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs)

1. Will all the patients with kidney stones experience gastrointestinal problems?

Not all patients with kidney stones will experience gastrointestinal problems. However, many patients with kidney stone symptoms suffer abdominal discomfort from this common condition. It is always advisable to seek medical help if the patient experiences vomiting, nausea, and pain.

2. What are the different ways to reduce gastrointestinal problems while having kidney stones?

General recommendations include - Drinking plenty of water, eating enough calcium, eating a moderate amount of protein, avoiding high salt content food, and limiting food with high oxalate content. 

3. Can diarrhea cause kidney stones?

Diarrhea refers to a condition when an individual passes watery stools or urine frequently and with great urgency. Chronic diarrhea can cause dehydration of urine which can result in kidney stone formation. It is important to seek medical help if the patient has been suffering from diarrhea for a long time.


kidney stones typically and gastrointestinal problems are correlated. Kidney stones can give rise to gastrointestinal complications and vice versa. However, if the patient with kidney stones experiences several symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and pain in lower abdomen, then it can be a sign that kidney stones are more serious and it is important to visit a doctor to suggest an effective way to treat kidney stones and develop a plan for better recovery.

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